Reviewer Guideline
As the Journal of Recreation, Sports and Tourism Research (JRSTR), all editorial processes are carried out through the Open Journal System (OJS). Our journal adopts the "Double-Blind Peer Review" principle for editorial decisions.
Editors and reviewers are required to conduct all processes via the OJS platform. Therefore, communications regarding articles and the review process, such as emails, are not accepted.
The article evaluation form prepared by the journal's editorial board is shared with reviewers through the Open Access System (OJS). Reviewers are provided with the manuscript and evaluation form to offer the necessary comments.
Any revisions requested by reviewers must be marked directly on the manuscript in Word or PDF format and uploaded to the system.
At the conclusion of the review, reviewers must indicate their final decision on the system using one of the following options: "Cannot be published," "Would like to review again after revisions," "Can be published after revisions," or "Can be published." A maximum period of one month is allowed for the entire review process.
In accordance with the decision of the editorial board, our journal accepts various types of manuscripts that contribute to the field of social sciences, including "Research Articles," "Conceptual Reviews," "Review Articles," and "Case Studies," in line with its publication policies. Manuscripts submitted for evaluation are expected to be original, to stimulate interest in current topics, to summarize well-known or less-known findings for the benefit of future research, and to contain new results.
Each submission must include abstracts in both Turkish and English.
Our journal considers manuscripts in Turkish and English on topics related to recreation, sports, and tourism.